In a groundbreaking achievement for the Nigerian music industry, several prominent Nigerian artists have secured nominations for the prestigious 2024 Grammy Awards. The nominations...
"The Marvels," the highly anticipated sequel to 2019's "Captain Marvel," has hit the big screen, and the initial reviews are mixed. The film, directed...
Atlanta, GA - Taraja Ramsess, a renowned stuntman, actor, and martial artist known for his work in the "Black Panther" and "Avengers" movies, tragically...
Nigerian comic actor, John Okafor, popularly known as Mr. Ibu, has recently undergone a series of surgeries due to health issues. Unfortunately, after seven...
Funke Akindele-Bello, a well-known Nollywood actress, producer, and director, launched her new production firm, Scene One Production. The firm's goal is to create high-quality...